Paying Attention to Your Mental Health: A Conversation with the Pennsylvania Auditor General
In May, our Executive Director Shalawn James spoke with Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene DePasquale to discuss the importance of raising awareness around mental health resources, especially in light of the impact COVID-19 social distancing has on mental health.
For years, removing the stigma around mental health has been a central mission for MHAPA and our affiliates. Mental health is a part of us all. In fact, 1 in 5 adults will have a diagnosable mental health condition in any given year. How we are managing our Mental Health can change, especially in times of crisis. This is why MHAPA advocates for helping people understand when and how to get help. We do this by connecting you with the resources you can use to outfit your toolbox so that you have the appropriate tools you need to cope. Our Navigators one way we help you access those resources, with individualized care and insights that can help you gain control over your Mental Health.
In the conversation, Shalawn shares the importance of recognizing what stage of mental health you are in so you can get the appropriate help.

As COVID-19 social distancing continues into the future, even as we see more progress toward opening, we urge you to remember that social distance is only physical distance. With technology, there are numerous ways you can continue to connect with your loved ones to ensure you are meeting your very human needs to stay connected.
Check out our conversation and reach out to connect with one of our Navigators if you need help.
1Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration, Center For Be- Havioral Health Statistics And Quality. (September 4, 2014). The NSDUH Report: Substance Use And Mental Health Estimates From The 2013 National Survey On Drug Use And Health: Overview Of Findings. Rockville, MD.
2Stage of Mental Health Conditions defined by the Mental HealthB4Stage4 campaign
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