Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM

Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED

(717) 346-0549

JB Brooks

JB Brooks is always ready for a new experience, and will travel anywhere, anytime…especially if the road leads to a live rock and roll festival! JB is quick to talk about his passion for life—music, the outdoors. But more than anything, he lives to share the hope that it is never too late to turn around a life lost to mental illness and addiction.

Diagnosed in his pre-teen years with various behavioral health issues, for years, he was in and out of recovery, blaming others and failing to see the big picture. JB hit rock bottom at the age 45—mentally, spiritually and physically. He surrendered his sense of control, realizing he couldn’t be dependent on himself only, and let others into his life. He was encouraged and helped to understand that is was okay to have feelings and that his being had value.

His true recovery started while in services at Central MH/MR, when he was introduced to the POWER program at Montgomery County Community College. With encouragement from the director of the program, Diane Haar, he continued his education in Human Services, which led to acceptance into the Certified Peer Specialist Program. Little did he know that it was his life experience with mental illness and addiction that would open the doors to employment with HopeWorx and his current work of offering peer advocacy and support for individuals who have mental health and justice related issues.

JB is the evidence of how far encouragement can take you.


I'm the Evidence/Mental Health Campaign (ITE/MH) celebrates people who are the living Evidence of mental health recovery and the individuals and communities that support them.

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