Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM

Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED

(717) 346-0549

Kathie Mitchell

Kathie Mitchell says that the mental health community in which she works chose her. She was a good choice.

Kathie’s involvement with mental health began when a family member began experiencing mental illness. Finding and navigating necessary services and supports was challenging. Kathie, a journalist at that time, dedicated her time to researching what was available and how individuals and their families could access these services and supports. Through this process, she became acutely aware of the need for advocacy. She also came to understand that people needed not only access to quality services but to have their rights honored as well.

Kathie’s journey led her to HopeWorx, Inc., where she found a community of like-minded individuals who believed they could make a difference. She currently directs HopeWorx Community Advocates of Montgomery County program.

Kathie is the evidence of how giving heals the soul and how one step begins a journey towards endless possibilities.


I'm the Evidence/Mental Health Campaign (ITE/MH) celebrates people who are the living Evidence of mental health recovery and the individuals and communities that support them.

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