Rochelle Varady is a young woman who sees a hopeful future for herself and reflects this hope to the world around her.
Rochelle has been part of the POWER Program at Montgomery County Community College and is currently taking summer courses. She sees the opportunity of a college education not only as the chance to build on her skills in science and writing but to be the first person in her biological family to earn a degree.
Rochelle is the middle child in her birth family of eight siblings. She was adopted at the age of eight. She has worked hard to deal with early life traumas and is thankful to her adoptive mother for being there and helping her and her other siblings.
When she’s not working at the movie theater or going to classes, Rochelle enjoys listening to music, writing, drawing, and hanging out with her friends. She feels empowered to deal with her mental illness, and believes her experiences and empathy can make a difference in the lives of others.
Rochelle is the evidence of what can be achieved and how far encouragement can take you.