Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM

Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED

(717) 346-0549

Paul Boyer

Paul Boyer works for Perry Apex Services Unlimited (PASU) and lives at the Fairweather Lodge in Newport. Paul is a driver for PASU, providing transportation to people in Perry County. This work brings him pleasure, as he enjoys helping others.

Paul spent more than 10 years in the Harrisburg State Hospital, and it was a lengthy process for him to learn to trust others and feel comfortable and secure living in the community. The staff of the Fairweather Lodge has stood by Paul, offering him hope and encouragement, believing in his ability to live outside the hospital and experience recovery. They have earned his trust, and he now has a good job, a safe place to live, and people who support him. After many difficult years, he is now able to relax—mentally, physically and emotionally.

Paul is the evidence of how hope transforms.


I'm the Evidence/Mental Health Campaign (ITE/MH) celebrates people who are the living Evidence of mental health recovery and the individuals and communities that support them.

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